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SeeDeClip4: A Multiuser Windows, Linux, OS/X, Raspberry Pi media/music server
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Scalable, multiuser home audio - with real-time repair of compressed and clipped music

Without SeeDeClip4 you'll only be listening to the section between the lines (This is as it comes from the CD), your record company usually skims the top 6dB off for you at no extra charge, all part of the service.

Outside the bands the waveform has been reconstructed by SeeDeClip4 from the clues left. Without SeeDeClip4 you are just listening to the clipped waveform in the middle band. Enjoy improved dynamics and sound quality.
Compatibility and usage
- Music server
- PC (XP, Win7, Win10)
Mac (OS X 10.9.5 on)
Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian etc)
Casual listening and remote control
- PC, Mac, Linux, Chromebook
Android phone or Tablet
Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
Reads: WAV, AIFF, FlAC, MP3, Ogg, M4a, WMA, MP4, M4V, MOV, FLV, MKV
MP3 export
SuperFi music client
- Raspberry Pi (or equivalent), 24bit capable
Flac export (24bit capable)
Ember: Embedded web server
Looking for a webserver to build your project into for an embedded device, instrument, switch, router etc.?
We consider Ember to be the most compact and fastest webserver library available anywhere today.
Download the (tiny!) demo and see for yourself!
Download SeeDeClip4 to see it in a heavy duty application.
Ember provides both a webserver and a modular control mechanism so you don't have to use PHP/Perl/Python, the webserver hooks right into your C code for speed and compact size. CTL is like a built-in PHP, but instead of PHP you put your own C/C++ routines right there to do the work.
- Download the demo source and library code (contact us for this!)
Link it into your C/C++ program and add the control hooks.
Add the control references to the web page where you want them.
And then run it. Imagine a web server that you can hook right into your C/C++ code in a day or two and suddenly you have a webapp/website on your embedded device. It's that easy, define a control or control bundle, add it to a web page, hook in your code: It's very rapid to deploy and lightening fast to run.